After struggling for hours to write my open research memorandum, dancing with Cordy for inspiration, calling my mom telling her that I’m stuck and frustrated, and spending hours looking at research because I was positive I missed some important fact that would make the paper virtually write itself.  I decided if I could get any 1/2 competent thoughts onto paper I would call it a night.  Today, I woke up early to go see my TA and ask him if I was headed in the write direction or just needed  to start over completely.  He told me that I was on the correct track and he had seen people that were struggling as much if not more than me.  That I had the correct legal writing format down I just needed to adjust a few things and obviously go back over the entire paper and make it clean and concise.

Lesson: Talking to my TA and having him tell me that I’m not the dumbest person in the class made me remember that everyone is having a hard time with this assignment and learning how to research and write in a format we’ve never seen before.